Tuesday 17 August 2021

Glossary of Mórlough

What remains of the 'They': New meanings instead of new words for new  concepts can confuse old speakers - The Economic Times

More than one person has commented they found a few unusual words in The Unflinching Ash. I was unsure which words raised an eyebrow for readers, as each of our vocabularies is like a linguistic fingerprint, being entirely unique.  So I've asked readers, and I invite readers now -- please, send me words you found unfamiliar, perhaps they are unfamiliar to others as well.

Here are the words I've been sent, and how I'd define them.  Thank you for your help in growing this list!  (Please note: I am not claiming mastery over this ever-evolving gargantuan language. I am certain you will know words I do not, and I will ask you to tell me what those words mean if you say them in my company! Then I may collect and carry them thereafter, as I have these.)

If you'd prefer a flashcard format set to music, you can view this glossary on TikTok (4 x 30sec clips).


Low Frequency Modern English Words

arid – bone–dry, parched

brangle – a squabble, a noisy or angry dispute

chary – wary, cautious

citrine – dark greenish–yellow

concussive – strong, headache–inducing force

corona – crown

eburnean – ivory–coloured

eristic – seeking to argue well rather than seeking truth

euphony – pleasing or sweet sound (sometimes from harmonious words, but used in Ash to describe music)  

flavescent – turning yellow or yellowish

inveigler – one who wins over by coaxing and flattery    

lacertine – lizard-like    

leviathan – hulkish, monstrous

marquis – a nobleman (below a duke and above an earl)

paramour – lover

preternatural – outside of nature

redolent – reminiscent, scented

retinue – a group of assistants or advisors accompanying someone important

scattershot – broadly and randomly inclusive, all over the show

serotinal – occurring in late summer

susurrus – a whispering "s" sound

vociferous – loud and forceful, passionately opinionated

woodnote – a wild or natural musical tone, like one sung by a forest bird


Old English / Non-English Words

apéritif – The pre-dinner tipple to whet the appetite, in the form of liquored confectionary, in Ash

bowyer – a bow-maker

canticle – hymn or verse

coronach – funeral song of lament

cruck – a structural form of medieval peasant housing   

ḍieṁgī – archaic for dinghy

dimpse–time – the delicate grey of twilight   

kilbuck – a big man or derogatory term for a butcher     

mayhap – from “may happen,” archaic for “maybe”

mimping – to put on acting dainty and prim

minnesingers – lyric poets and musicians of centuries gone by, chief subject: courtly love

mung – filth, muck

nesh – too soft (now sometimes used to describe a person who is “too soft” or delicate about the weather)

scroggling – the process or result of gathering

sugill'd – beaten

tutmouth – having lips that stick out or an underbite

veneur - a medieval role, person in charge of hunting hounds


Coined Words

val – the currency of Mórlough, named after Queen Valencia