Monday 9 August 2021

Buy The Unflinching Ash at a Store

In New Zealand, you have the option of buying a copy of The Unflinching Ash from an Independent Bookseller or other store and supporting local business. International readers -- your best bet is still an online retailer at this stage.

Indies with The Unflinching Ash in stock NOW
(it's early days, this list will change often)

North Island

Craniums | Whangārei

Paper Plus | Whangārei

 Mangawhai Books & Gifts | Mangawhai Heads

Paper Plus | Warkworth

Unity Books | Auckland

Books for Kids | Hamilton East

Take Note | Dinsdale

Poppies Bookshop | Hamilton CBD

Penny's Bookstore | Chartwell

Wardini Books | Havelock North

Schrödinger's Books | Petone

Good Books | Wellington 

BeaDnD | Wellington

South Island

University Book Shop | Christchurch

Paper Plus Dunedin | Dunedin

University Bookshop | Dunedin

Paper Plus |  Wanaka

Nothing close enough yet?
You can ask any bookseller to order a copy in -- they all have the ability to do that. You can give them the ISBN if you want to make things easy for them (ISBN 978-0-473-57834-3), or supply the email -- NORSOU distributes copies at a wholesale price to bookstores.